Richard and Diana Anthony
A year ago last February, Richard and I adopted Bruce.
While at Franklin County Animal Control, I noticed this shy, scared, black pit mix sitting in the back of its kennel. It would not let me go near or let alone touch them, so I would go into the kennel and just sit. Several weeks later, I was able to take Bruce to the play area at FCAC and actually interact with people. Richard was immediately attracted to her. Oh yes, Bruce is a female! Time continued to pass and no one wanted to adopt her. Richard and I went to FCAC one day and learned she was running out of time and was on the list to be put to sleep. We could NOT let that happen! We immediately made the decision to adopt her. Best decision of our lives. Bruce has been a wonderful companion for Richard. Every morning Richard and Bruce have coffee and discuss their plans for the day. Bruce loves to play ball, go for rides in the truck, play with other dogs, and just be adored. She is as near to perfect as any dog can be.
If you are looking for a companion, don't look past the so called "undesirable" animals. They are diamonds in the rough! Give them a chance. Bruce has added so much joy and happiness to our family. She's definitely one in a million!
Remember if you have a pet, get is spayed or neutered!!